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As for your question about "what do you think about being data driven," I think companies aspire to be data driven but they should aim to be DECISION driven instead. I think the difference is:

Decision-Driven teams search for questions worth asking. They don’t settle for the ones on hand.

Decision-Driven teams look wide first, then dive deep.

Decision-Driven teams are led by data humanists, not data scientists.

Decision-Driven teams are data dogs: they figure out what’s missing and go get it.

Decision-Driven teams explore the unknown, not only the known.

I wrote about this in the Data Leadership Collaborative, one of my other favorite sources of good stuff, like Scaling DataOps, about data leadership: https://www.dataleadershipcollaborative.com/data-culture/5-tips-make-data-literacy-program-stick-your-organization

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